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Community Voices

"I am Town Council member Kristy Bedoian.  I have been serving you on Wickenburg’s Town Council since 2018 and have known mayoral candidate BG Bratcher for many years. She is one of the most dedicated-to -Wickenburg residents I know as evidenced by her years of volunteer work for our community and her exemplary service as a Town Council member.


BG began in 2011 attending almost every Town Council meeting and a majority of the Town commission and committee meetings. She also served on the Economic Development Advisory Commission. For more information please visit her website I can attest to this as before I was an elected council member, I attended the council meetings for 8 years.


BG is very concerned about the Town’s need for affordable and workforce housing and is committed to working with Town Council and staff to determine what is best for Wickenburg. In 2023 BG voted against an Intergovernmental Agreement with Maricopa County for a $10M grant because the wording did not protect our Town. She also spent hours working on the Gorman draft development agreement which needs another revision before Town Council can consider it.


Since I began as a Town Council member in 2018, the Town budget has grown from $36M to $76M. Whereas the Town population has not grown proportionately, both BG and I have pointed out many areas of “fluff” (waste) in proposed budgets. BG spent many hours asking questions of Town staff to thoroughly understand the Town budget. With the knowledge received, along with myself, she voted no on the last two budgets.


When BG and I voted against expediting the WIFI loans, it was because we did not want to take away certain residents’ rights by abusing the “emergency clause."  BG’s goal is to consistently vote to protect our Town and our residents.


BG has expressed concern that the $120M wastewater and water infrastructure 10-year plan does not include any dollars for debt servicing and the $120M was calculated using a very low 2% inflation rate.


During Town Council meetings BG asks questions and expresses her opinions. She listens intently to residents and invests much time communicating about Town business.


Of all of the council members I have worked with over the years, BG is the most thorough and dedicated.  For so many more reasons I would be happy to discuss with anyone, BG IS CLEARLY THE BEST CHOICE FOR MAYOR!  Feel free to call me anytime at my office 928-684-2877. -  Town Council Member Kristy Bedoian



Integrity - Examine BG’s Town Council history and you will find that regardless of political pressure BG always voted based on her in-depth research and her findings of the salient issues. For example, she had rock solid insight after thoroughly analyzing the numbers of the wastewater treatment plant proposal and, as well, after her meticulous review of the IGA and Development Agreements of the Gorman affordable housing project. She believes in iron clad facts rather than political passion and I feel confident that she will lead the town council accordingly. 

Intelligence - BG has time and again shown her acumen in issue after issue. That is why during her many years in a pivotal role with the Billy Graham Crusades she was trusted with critical work on the national as well as international stage. BG values keeping Wickenburg western but also knows that helping Wickenburg evolve intelligently is essential. An example of that is that BG is committed to working diligently to attain the smart development of affordable housing. 

Passion for Wickenburg - If you have attended Wickenburg events of all types, there is an extremely good chance that you have seen BG in action. She engages with town residents to discover their feelings on community affairs because of her passion to get things right by going the extra mile. 

BG is what Wickenburg needs at this consequential time. She will skillfully lead the town’s decision making and chart a wise course forward." - Van Merrill​

"BG you have a great record of being a servant leader in Wickenburg. Thank you for being willing to go to the next level to preserve the Western heritage and conservative way of living to preserve our town and continue to make it a great place to live, work, and visit!"  - Tassie Jundt

“I have worked with BG for several years on various Wickenburg non-profit boards and committees and think she would be an excellent Wickenburg mayor. BG is dedicated and goes the extra mile to make projects and programs successful. When issues arise, she takes the time to understand the facts and differing viewpoints and collaboratively works to find solutions.”  - Bernadine McCollum

My Fellow Citizens- it is time for a change in leadership. I look forward to the day when our town’s leadership listens to what you want to see here. No more disrespecting people who take the time and effort to attend Town Council meetings and attempt to speak. To me, the only correct thing is to vote for BG Bratcher. In my opinion Kristi Henson is just more of what we’ve experienced in the past. In my opinion Lydia Abril is a little too aggressive and we certainly need to tone down the atmosphere in the Council meetings.”  - James Ferman

I am in favor of BG for Mayor … a mayor who will bring people to the table. Negotiate. Explain. Cooperate and not be confrontational. And that is BG.”  - Randy Roedl

Thank you, BG for being both conscientious and prepared. You have remained an outstanding and informed contributor during your many years on the Town Council! Your drive to keep Wickenburg growth under control as well as maintain our cowboy way of life is greatly appreciated. Thank you for standing up for and listening to the voice of the people and showing us that it does matter!”  - Jeni Donahey

I have known BG for some 20 years and have personally witnessed her integrity, professionalism, and sincere interest in what is right for our town.  BG exudes integrity.  She is consistent in her desire to strive to do what is correct and best. She will, and does, research any issue presented to the town.  She is not flippant and remains true to her values after her research and decision-making. BG loves this town and can be found at all government, professional, club, and other local functions. Her dedication is above and beyond. BG is the right person for mayor of Wickenburg.  Please vote for her.”  - Joe Stevens

It’s fundamental that the winning mayor have a love for Wickenburg and its Western way of life as well as the constitution and its governmental bedrock principles. It’s also critical that the successful mayoral candidate is willing to do the hard work to know and understand all the pivotal details. Moreover, she must have a plan on how to address the myriad issues, opportunities and challenges that confront us. Platitudes and slogans will not solve our problems. Intelligent hard work will coupled with a deep caring for Wickenburg’s citizens and what is best for them. No one has gone the extra mile and attended not just town council meetings but importantly attended more town committee meetings, town gatherings and studied harder the votes and issues that challenge the town council. Compare BG’s work ethic, mastery of the issues and commitment to finding the best solutions possible to what her mayoral competitors have put forth and the mayoral choice is clear cut. BG Bratcher is the person we need at this critical juncture.”   - Van Merrill

Only recently has it been my privilege to see this soft-spoken, respectful, highly educated woman in action. I have been continually amazed with her accomplishments, both past and present. Now I'm impressed with her insight and foresight into the many challenges Wickenburg is facing. Her willingness to do the necessary work to thoroughly understand the issues, develop solutions, organize, combined with determination to implement them undoubtedly make her the best candidate for Mayor. In my opinion Going the extra mile best describes her and her commitment to Wickenburg.”  - Dwight Zemp

BG is the only one of the Mayoral candidates that has the demeanor and personality and humility to bring the discord in Wickenburg to an end. She is and has been one of only 3 TC members that routinely stood up against Mayor Rui and TM Erno on issues. BG does not talk down to anyone. She respects the people of Wickenburg and listens to what is being said and wanted by the people. BG must become our next Mayor.”  - Randall Roedl

Of the 3 candidates running for mayor, I totally support BG Bratcher. She cares and listens to the citizens of Wickenburg without talking down to them or telling them “you don’t understand.” – Kathi Okrasa

BG is always the best prepared and most thoughtful of the town council. She is committed to keeping Wickenburg West. Vote BG.” – John R.

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